
Expedia Coupons and a Question: Is Being a Locavore really better for you?

An Expedia Promo Code is What Started It:

We’ve all been there. You get a free delivery offer from MyProtein, and you want to eat as healthy as you can. But is the food local? And what does being a locavore even mean? The term “locavore” describes someone that likes to eat locally grown food. It’s a trend that is not only good for the environment but good for small farmers and local agricultural industries. The “eat local” trend is all about eating foods that do not need to be shipped thousands of miles before landing on your grocery shelf. It’s about eating food that does not have to be laden with artificial substances to ensure that it lasts way beyond its natural period of freshness. Most importantly it’s about adjusting our diets to eat food that is in season for the regions we live in and it’s this last point that can be difficult for some. Many of us have become accustomed to being able to purchase popular produce like strawberries and… Read More